The R script for the linear model and the nonlinear quadratic model .
The following code did the regression calculations and graphing for the Regression Example 1’s solution. You can copy and paste the code into R and it should run without modification. You can download R for free from R or you can copy and paste the code into a free online R compiler such as: rextester or JDOODLE
# R script for regression examples with Latex # models y = mx and y = ax^2 RegressionModel = "L"; #"L" = linear model y = mx; "P" = parabolic model y = ax^2 #( -3, 0), (-5,2) Data from Regression HW problem x = c(-3,-5); y = c(0, 2); # Compare your own "guess" of "m" or "a" to the regression "m" or "a". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- CompareModel = "N" # "Y" or "N". If "Y", competing model graphed and its SSE calculated. Guess_m_a = .5; # enter numerical value for m or for a. Default is .5. # DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE!!!!!!!!!!! #---------------------------------------------- ShowDeviateBars = "Y"; # "Y" or "N" GraphPaper = FALSE; #TRUE = prints graph paper; FALSE = plots regression line ErrorString = ""; CompareModelsString = "Thank you for using R."; By = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------ if(RegressionModel == "P") { f = function(x){x^2;}; a = sum(y*f(x))/sum(f(x)^2); a_3 = round(a,3); yxx = y*x^2; xxxx = x^4; errors = y - a_3*f(x); errors2 = round(errors^2,3); SSE = sum( (y - a_3*f(x))^2 ); SSE3 = round(SSE,3); # SSE; a3x2 = a_3*x^2; df1 = data.frame(x,y, yxx, xxxx, a3x2, errors, errors2); # df1; if(ShowDeviateBars == "Y"){ErrorString = "\nErrors shown in red. SSE = ";} mainTitle = paste("Data points with regression curve y = ", toString(a_3), "x^2",ErrorString, toString(SSE3)); if(GraphPaper){mainTitle = "(d) Plot the data points and the regression curve y = a x^2";}; } if(RegressionModel == "P"){ sum_yxx = sum(yxx); sum_xxxx = sum(xxxx); SSE_sum_errors2 = sum(errors2); df2 = data.frame(sum_yxx, sum_xxxx, a_3, SSE_sum_errors2); #df2; } #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ if(RegressionModel == "L") { f = function(x){x;}; a = sum(y*f(x))/sum(f(x)^2); a_3 = round(a,3); yx = y*x; xx = x^2; errors = y - a_3*f(x); errors2 = round(errors^2,3); sum_yx = sum(yx); # sum_yx; sum_xx = sum(xx); # sum_xx; SSE = sum( (y - a_3*f(x))^2 ); SSE3 = round(SSE,3); # SSE; mx = a_3*x; df1 = data.frame(x,y, yx, xx, mx, errors, errors2); # df1; if(ShowDeviateBars == "Y"){ErrorString = "\nErrors shown in red. SSE = ";} mainTitle = paste("Data points with regression line y = ", toString(a_3), "x",ErrorString, toString(SSE3)); if(GraphPaper){mainTitle = "(d) Plot the data points and the regression line y = m x";}; } if(RegressionModel == "L"){ sum_yx = sum(yx); sum_xx = sum(xx); SSE_sum_errors2 = sum(errors2); df2 = data.frame(sum_yx, sum_xx, a_3, SSE_sum_errors2); # df2; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Range Calculatins to center graph paper #------------------------------------------------------------ RangeY = max(y, a_3*f(x),0 ) - min(y, a_3*f(x), 0); # RangeY ; RangeX = max(x,0) - min(x,0); # RangeX ; if(RangeX < RangeY){ Ymin = round(min(y,0, a_3*f(x)) - 1,0); # Ymin; Ymax = round(max(y,0, a_3*f(x)) + 1,0); # Ymax; RangeYnew = Ymax - Ymin; Xmin = round(min(x,0) - (RangeYnew - RangeX)/2, 0); # Xmin; Xmax = round(max(x,0) + (RangeYnew - RangeX)/2, 0); # Xmax; } if(RangeY < RangeX){ Xmin = min(x,0) - 1; Xmax = max(x,0) + 1; Ymin = round(min(y,0, a_3*f(x)) - (RangeX - RangeY)/2,0); Ymax = round(max(y,0,a_3*f(x)) + (RangeX - RangeY)/2,0); } # Ymin; # Ymax; # Xmin; # Xmax; # Plot graph paper #------------------------------------------------------------ plot(1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(Xmin, Xmax ), ylim=c(Ymin , Ymax ), asp=1 , main = mainTitle ); arrows(0,Ymin, 0, Ymax, length = 0.25, angle = 30, col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 3); arrows(Xmin,0, Xmax, 0, length = 0.25, angle = 30, col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 3) xSeq = seq(Xmin, Xmax, by = By); lenxSeq = length(xSeq); for(i in 1:lenxSeq){ lines( c(xSeq[i], xSeq[i]), c(Ymin, Ymax), col = "blue") } ySeq = seq(Ymin, Ymax, by = By); lenySeq = length(ySeq); for(i in 1:lenySeq){ lines( c(Xmin, Xmax), c(ySeq[i], ySeq[i]), col = "blue") } #------------------------------------------------------------ if(GraphPaper == FALSE){ if(ShowDeviateBars == "Y"){ for(i in 1:length(x)){lines( c(x[i],x[i]), c( y[i], a_3*f(x[i]) ), col = "red", lwd = 4);}; } points( x, y, pch = 20, cex = 3); # data xSeq = seq(Xmin, Xmax, by = By/10); lines( xSeq, a_3*f(xSeq), lwd = 4); # regression line } # ------------------ if(RegressionModel == "L"){modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x", sep = "");}; if(RegressionModel == "P"){modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x^2", sep = "");}; CompareModelsString = paste("The regression curve ", modelStrR, ", drawn in black, has SSE = ", toString(SSE3), ". Thank you for using R.", sep = ""); # ------------------ if(CompareModel == "Y"){lines(xSeq,Guess_m_a*f(xSeq), lwd = 4, col = "blue"); SSE_compare = sum( (y - Guess_m_a*f(x))^2 ); if(RegressionModel == "L"){modelStrG = paste("y = ", toString(Guess_m_a),"x", sep = ""); modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x", sep = "");}; if(RegressionModel == "P"){modelStrG = paste("y = ", toString(Guess_m_a),"x^2", sep = ""); modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x^2", sep = ""); }; CompareModelsString = paste("The regression curve ", modelStrR, ", drawn in black, has SSE = ", toString(SSE3), ". Your model ", modelStrG, ", drawn in blue, has SSE = ", toString(SSE_compare), ".", sep = ""); }; CompareModelsString; # ------ display data.frames of regression calculations df1; df2; #End of R script