The R script for the linear model and the nonlinear quadratic model
The following code did the regression calculations and graphing for the Regression Example 1’s solution. You can copy and paste the code into R and it should run without modification. You can download R for free from R or you can copy and paste the code into a free online R compiler such as: rextester or JDOODLE
# R script for regression examples with Latex # models y = mx and y = ax^2 RegressionModel = "L"; #"L" = linear model y = mx; "P" = parabolic model y = ax^2 #( -3, 0), (-5,2) Data from Regression HW problem x = c(-3,-5); y = c(0, 2); # Compare your own "guess" of "m" or "a" to the regression "m" or "a". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- CompareModel = "N" # "Y" or "N". If "Y", competing model graphed and its SSE calculated. Guess_m_a = .5; # enter numerical value for m or for a. Default is .5. # DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE!!!!!!!!!!! #---------------------------------------------- ShowDeviateBars = "Y"; # "Y" or "N" GraphPaper = FALSE; #TRUE = prints graph paper; FALSE = plots regression line ErrorString = ""; CompareModelsString = "Thank you for using R."; By = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------ if(RegressionModel == "P") { f = function(x){x^2;}; a = sum(y*f(x))/sum(f(x)^2); a_3 = round(a,3); yxx = y*x^2; xxxx = x^4; errors = y - a_3*f(x); errors2 = round(errors^2,3); SSE = sum( (y - a_3*f(x))^2 ); SSE3 = round(SSE,3); # SSE; a3x2 = a_3*x^2; df1 = data.frame(x,y, yxx, xxxx, a3x2, errors, errors2); # df1; if(ShowDeviateBars == "Y"){ErrorString = "\nErrors shown in red. SSE = ";} mainTitle = paste("Data points with regression curve y = ", toString(a_3), "x^2",ErrorString, toString(SSE3)); if(GraphPaper){mainTitle = "(d) Plot the data points and the regression curve y = a x^2";}; } if(RegressionModel == "P"){ sum_yxx = sum(yxx); sum_xxxx = sum(xxxx); SSE_sum_errors2 = sum(errors2); df2 = data.frame(sum_yxx, sum_xxxx, a_3, SSE_sum_errors2); #df2; } #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ if(RegressionModel == "L") { f = function(x){x;}; a = sum(y*f(x))/sum(f(x)^2); a_3 = round(a,3); yx = y*x; xx = x^2; errors = y - a_3*f(x); errors2 = round(errors^2,3); sum_yx = sum(yx); # sum_yx; sum_xx = sum(xx); # sum_xx; SSE = sum( (y - a_3*f(x))^2 ); SSE3 = round(SSE,3); # SSE; mx = a_3*x; df1 = data.frame(x,y, yx, xx, mx, errors, errors2); # df1; if(ShowDeviateBars == "Y"){ErrorString = "\nErrors shown in red. SSE = ";} mainTitle = paste("Data points with regression line y = ", toString(a_3), "x",ErrorString, toString(SSE3)); if(GraphPaper){mainTitle = "(d) Plot the data points and the regression line y = m x";}; } if(RegressionModel == "L"){ sum_yx = sum(yx); sum_xx = sum(xx); SSE_sum_errors2 = sum(errors2); df2 = data.frame(sum_yx, sum_xx, a_3, SSE_sum_errors2); # df2; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Range Calculatins to center graph paper #------------------------------------------------------------ RangeY = max(y, a_3*f(x),0 ) - min(y, a_3*f(x), 0); # RangeY ; RangeX = max(x,0) - min(x,0); # RangeX ; if(RangeX < RangeY){ Ymin = round(min(y,0, a_3*f(x)) - 1,0); # Ymin; Ymax = round(max(y,0, a_3*f(x)) + 1,0); # Ymax; RangeYnew = Ymax - Ymin; Xmin = round(min(x,0) - (RangeYnew - RangeX)/2, 0); # Xmin; Xmax = round(max(x,0) + (RangeYnew - RangeX)/2, 0); # Xmax; } if(RangeY < RangeX){ Xmin = min(x,0) - 1; Xmax = max(x,0) + 1; Ymin = round(min(y,0, a_3*f(x)) - (RangeX - RangeY)/2,0); Ymax = round(max(y,0,a_3*f(x)) + (RangeX - RangeY)/2,0); } # Ymin; # Ymax; # Xmin; # Xmax; # Plot graph paper #------------------------------------------------------------ plot(1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(Xmin, Xmax ), ylim=c(Ymin , Ymax ), asp=1 , main = mainTitle ); arrows(0,Ymin, 0, Ymax, length = 0.25, angle = 30, col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 3); arrows(Xmin,0, Xmax, 0, length = 0.25, angle = 30, col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 3) xSeq = seq(Xmin, Xmax, by = By); lenxSeq = length(xSeq); for(i in 1:lenxSeq){ lines( c(xSeq[i], xSeq[i]), c(Ymin, Ymax), col = "blue") } ySeq = seq(Ymin, Ymax, by = By); lenySeq = length(ySeq); for(i in 1:lenySeq){ lines( c(Xmin, Xmax), c(ySeq[i], ySeq[i]), col = "blue") } #------------------------------------------------------------ if(GraphPaper == FALSE){ if(ShowDeviateBars == "Y"){ for(i in 1:length(x)){lines( c(x[i],x[i]), c( y[i], a_3*f(x[i]) ), col = "red", lwd = 4);}; } points( x, y, pch = 20, cex = 3); # data xSeq = seq(Xmin, Xmax, by = By/10); lines( xSeq, a_3*f(xSeq), lwd = 4); # regression line } # ------------------ if(RegressionModel == "L"){modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x", sep = "");}; if(RegressionModel == "P"){modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x^2", sep = "");}; CompareModelsString = paste("The regression curve ", modelStrR, ", drawn in black, has SSE = ", toString(SSE3), ". Thank you for using R.", sep = ""); # ------------------ if(CompareModel == "Y"){lines(xSeq,Guess_m_a*f(xSeq), lwd = 4, col = "blue"); SSE_compare = sum( (y - Guess_m_a*f(x))^2 ); if(RegressionModel == "L"){modelStrG = paste("y = ", toString(Guess_m_a),"x", sep = ""); modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x", sep = "");}; if(RegressionModel == "P"){modelStrG = paste("y = ", toString(Guess_m_a),"x^2", sep = ""); modelStrR = paste("y = ", toString(a_3),"x^2", sep = ""); }; CompareModelsString = paste("The regression curve ", modelStrR, ", drawn in black, has SSE = ", toString(SSE3), ". Your model ", modelStrG, ", drawn in blue, has SSE = ", toString(SSE_compare), ".", sep = ""); }; CompareModelsString; # ------ display data.frames of regression calculations df1; df2; #End of R script